If you’re like most job seekers, you’re not taking advantage of one of the best ways to get a hiring manager’s attention: writing a great cover letter.
Cover letters are crucial to hiring managers who understand that people are more than just their work experience – that people have personalities, habits and other reasons they’d be great at a particular job that aren’t easily seen from a résumé. After all, if this weren’t true, employers wouldn’t even need to bother to interview candidates; they could just screen résumés, verify that candidates’ exper ……此处隐藏694个字…… in a conversational, engaging tone. Of course, don’t be overly casual; don’t use slang, and pay careful attention to things like grammar and spelling. But your tone and the language should be conversational and warm and engaging.
5. 语气别太正式。求职者有时觉得求职信应该尽可能正式,但最好的求职信的语气都是比较随意、有代入感的。当然,不要太过随意,不要用俚语,要仔细注意语法和拼写之类的细节。但是你的语气和语言应该随意且温暖。
6. Don’t use a form letter. Hiring managers can tell the difference between a letter that you’re sending with all your applications and a letter that you wrote specifically for this job. If your letter works for all the jobs you're applying to, that’s a sign that it needs to be more customized.
6. 不要用相同模板。招聘经理能区分你的求职信是发给所有申请公司还是专门为某个职位写的。如果你的求职信对所有申请的工作都适用,这是在告诉你要“量身定制”了。